Life's work.

What you're good at. What you love.
What the world needs.
What you can get paid for.

Tags: work, life, lifes-work, love

The Great Discontent

This is the kind of long-form interview I'm after.

Tags: design, designer, newsletter, fox, artists

John Cage: 10 Rules For Students And Teachers



Rule 1:
Find a place you trust, and then, try trusting it for awhile.

Rule 2: (General Duties as a Student)
Pull everything out of your teacher.
Pull everything out of your fellow students.

Rule 3: (General Duties as a Teacher)
Pull everything out of your students.

Rule 4:
Consider everything an experiment.

Rule 5:
Be Self Disciplined. This means finding someone wise or smart and choosing to follow them.
To be disciplined is to follow in a good way. To be self-disciplined is to follow in a better way.

Rule 6:
Follow the leader. Nothing is a mistake. There is no win and no fail. There is only make.

Rule 7:
The only rule is work. If you work it will lead to something.
It is the people who do all the work all the time who eventually catch onto things.
You can fool the fans—but not the players.

Rule 8:
Do not try to create and analyze at the same time.
They are different processes.

Rule 9:
Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself.
It is lighter than you think.

Rule 10:
We are breaking all the rules, even our own rules, and how do we do that?
By leaving plenty of room for “x” qualities.

Helpful Hints:
• Always Be Around.
• Come or go to everything.
• Always go to classes.
• Read everything you can get your hands on.
• Look at movies carefully and often.
• SAVE EVERYTHING. It may come in handy later.

Tags: teacher, rules, student, cage

Post See new posts Conversation Dan Go @FitFounder 7 fitness tests every 40 year old man should be able to pass:

Dan Go
5. Being able to do the sit and raise test

This test is well-supported by research as a predictor of longevity.

A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that the ability to sit and rise from the floor is a predictor of all-cause mortality

Dan Go
6. Complete 25 unbroken pushups

This is a test of upper body strength and endurance.

Just managing 10-15 pushups puts you above average for 40+ adults.

Completing 25 unbroken sets you apart from most people over 40, showing muscular endurance and overall fitness.

Dan Go
7. Dead hang for 1 minute

This is a test of grip strength and overall endurance.

Hanging for 1 minute puts you above average for 40+ adults.

Hanging for 2 minutes sets you apart from the vast majority and shows superior muscular endurance and functional fitness.

Dan Go
7 fitness tests every 40 year old should be able to pass:

1. 10 minute mile
2. Squat your own bodyweight
3. Farmer carry bodyweight for 2 minutes
4. Complete 5 unbroken pull-ups
5. Be able to do the sit and raise test
6. Complete 25 unbroken pushups
7. Dead hang for 2 minutes
Dan Go
Can you pass the test? Comment below and let the world know.

If you got value out of this follow me
and let's kick ass in our 40's and beyond.
Dan Go
7 fitness tests every 40 year old man should be able to pass:

Dan Go
Ps. Want to make 2025 your fittest year ever?

Every week I share tips on how to get lean, boost energy, and live longer.

Join 370,000+ subscribers here:
Dan Go
I should add that the farmers carry can be subjective.

If you’re overweight or obese then doing your bodyweight for 2 minutes might not look realistic to many.
Dan Go
Pretty much many of these require us to be at a healthy weight and metabolically healthy state.

For a free guide on getting metabolically healthy send me the DM “HEALTHY” and I’ll send it over.
Dan Go
For everyone having an issue with the farmer carry using bodyweight for 2 minutes:

Tags: exercise, routine, example